game away, admitting that BN parties used 'scare' tactics to divide
their respective communities in order to cling to power.
"BN leaders will ram their stories and spin down the people's throats and this is worrying because it indicates that they have only one card left and that is to rely on cheating at the ballot boxes to secure a win by all ways and means. What they do and what the people think no longer matters - the results of the coming general election will be manipulated one way or another to reflect a BN victory. The people must beware and resist."
Umno and MCA exploiting Islam
Comments by MCA president Chua Soi Lek, who warned that introducing hudud would dent Malaysia's economy, had been allowed to escape censure by Prime Minister Najib Razak.
This had prompted an onslaught against Najib's Umno party which was accused of being afraid to lock horns with the MCA over the issue and thereby failing to protect the rights of Muslims. Indeed, Najib had maintained a deafening silence, allowing Mahathir to fire or misfire back as the latter saw fit.
"Their purpose is to frighten the Chinese, not the Malays or Muslims... MCA wants to scare the Chinese so they will shun DAP," Malaysiakini reported Dr M as saying.
Are the Malays FOOLS to be led by such hypocrisy and deception
"In the past, MCA never objected when we declared this country to be an Islamic state and that we will practice Islamic values," said Dr M.
The 87-year-old former Umno president is bound to raise eyebrows with his unguarded remarks that critics said reeked of hypocrisy, bad faith and double standards.
"This confirms Umno doesn't care about the Chinese electorate at all. Dr M is not only condescending and insulting the intelligence of Chinese voters when he blows the whistle on the MCA, he is also testing the patience of the Malay voters," PKR MP for Gopeng Lee Boon Chye told Malaysia Chronicle.
"I wonder if he realizes that or has the Umno elite become so arrogant, they don't mind admitting that their politicking is just a game and not real leadership or good governance. The Malays will be even more upset by Dr M's MCA-hudud comments. No one likes to be treated like an imbecile and fair game for the ruthless politicians.
The Devil himself
"It is very clear MCA and UMNO leaders have reached a ?devil?s compact? for each side to tell the most blatant lies and falsehoods to frighten Chinese and Malay voters respectively, as they seem to have concluded that such politics of hate and duplicity is the only way to protect and preserve UMNO-BN power in the 13th general election," Kit Siang said in a statement.
"UMNO leaders, especially the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak who opened the MCA Annual General Assembly, do not believe the MCA lies and falsehoods, as Chua Soi Lek?s defamation of PAS and Islam for condoning rape of non-Muslims. But they kept quiet, in the same way that MCA leaders are keeping quiet although they do not believe UMNO lies and falsehoods that DAP wants to create a Christian Malaysia, abolish the Malay Rulers and set up a Republic!? This is the Devil?s Compact. No wonder the recent statement by former Prime Minister, Tun D. Mahathir ?? Better the devil you know than the angel you don?t."
Malaysia Chronicle
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